Saturday, December 25, 2010

美丽 克里斯莫斯 (merry Christmas) !!!!

Ho Ho Ho.. Is Merry Christmas again!!

Time past ~ I still can remember the day at the early of the year i said when im going to finish my STPM, and now im having my lovely Merry Christmas today.

Today is 25th of december, a Christmas date. Merry Christmas to you all!!

I just went home from parade. Who im going with? Of course, she was my beloved. >.<

Im just wondering what was the plan of mine today. Yes, ermm... K-box was my plan A but it seems already fulled, i've to switch to my plan B, watch movie.

I was lucky enough to bought tickets for both of us in such rush time. The movie was called  Gulliver Travers. At the beginning, i saw many kinds of toys, kids, and i have my first impression, OH MY, A CARTOON?? ( in fact i really don't know what was that movie,haha )

After the scene and show and action, finally i know, it was funny!! haha... Almost every scene of the movie had make fun of everyone in the cinema. haha..

That was the movie I would like to introduce, Gulliver Travers. Better watch it before it's too late ya!! ^.^

Once again , I wish you a very very Merry Christmas and you too my dear (jia huey).



有读过历史的人都知道,叶亚莱先生可说是我们马来西亚华人的国父。想当年可说是风光无限,并拥有数一万计的家产。为了纪念他,在吉隆坡更设立了一条道路叫Jalan Yap Ah Loi。有印象吗?哈哈。。

