Saturday, June 27, 2009

inter-house competition

this week is my inter-HOUSE competition..

please, not inter-class competiton....

my name was in the name list of participants in badminton competition...

and i was forced to go to make a match with the upper form seniors....

after i know my opponent was yellow house, i feels excited because my opponent was my band president, Lee Weng Hong which is from upper 6 F 2....

He was my long time dreamed opponent and we seldom to play with each other since he was in form 6.

here is the chance for me to give him a best shot...

the day before the match, i practice very hard to train myself a greater stamina to match against him...

but unfortunately, on the day of the match, my 'old friend' finded me again.... ( my arm injury)

yeah, again it was an injury for me again...

i cant believe it comes again for me, and i was hard to get a proper warm up practice cause i cant even perform a better hit on the shuttercork....

from that time, i was knew that this match i'm gonna lose to him....

at finally, my name was called to prepare at the court 2.

at first, i was trying very hard to search a new strategy to overcome my injury but it was too late.

during the game, i was feels the pain on every hit on the shutter.

at the beginning, i stil can manage his shot and get a 3-3 tied..

but after that, everything changed when he change his strategy.

he tries to make on my back court and make me have to hit a long shot to him.

and the things continues until the match end...

i was lose shamely and only manage to get 8 points in 2 sets.. what a shame for me....


what a dissapoinment day for me.....

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

chinese tagged

you tagged me wan yee.. ToT

make me cant sleep now.. grr...

Rules :


  1. zheng tong
  2. shing yih
  3. jia wei
  4. kar kent
  5. chun kit
  6. kar hou
  7. yong shen
  8. zheng hoe

-----個 人 題 - 10 題-----

02 你的綽號:多到数不清。。 一时玉米,一时哥哥。。。T0T
03 你的血型:B型。。可以救我吗?
04 你的星座: 牧羊
05 你是男還是女: 当然是。。。。。男啦!!!
06 你幾歲: 18岁 lu.....
07 你住哪裡:怡保
08 你現在的學校 : 三德中学(大学先修班)
09 你有沒有手機 : 有啦

10 承上,那是多少: 在问多少台吗? 2..

-----朋 友 題 -----

11 你最要好的朋友(限1個): 有。。。呱。。。。 不知。。。
12 你最討厭的人(限1個): 原本有。。现在不详。。。
13 你最正的女性朋友(限1個): 有个好“妹妹”。。以前也有一个好“
14 你最帥的男性朋友(限1個): 有吧。。
15 什麼樣的女生你最討厭: 发侨,贪钱,爱装扮型
16 什麼樣的男生你最討厭:高傲,装酷。
17 你的好朋友有誰(不限): 有。。。呱。。。
18 你經常和哪位朋友出去:今年比较少出街
19 你身邊最憨的朋友(限1個,不能自己): 不知题目要求
20 你身邊最可愛的朋友(限1個): 我的好“妹妹”(蛮3 8的)

-----情 題 - 15 題----- 我最喜欢

21 你有沒有喜歡的人:有。。就是家“人” 和 朋友(人)咯。。。。
23 如果没有,你希望什麼時候有另一半: 暂时不想。。。
24 到目前為止,你跟多少人告白過:无数!!!相信吗?爸爸妈妈我爱你!!!
25 到目前為止,你被多少人告白過: 有就好咯。。。*窃喜*
26 到目前為止,你交過多少個男/
朋友: 有很多啊。。。男女不区的朋友!!!
27 你現在有另一半嗎: 有, 本人没分开自己成两半,一直很完整 :p
28 你最好的同性朋友跟你告白你會怎樣:当他在开玩笑, 跟他笑笑。
29 你初戀情人突然跟你告白你會接受嗎 :没有该怎么答?
30 你為什麼會喜歡你現在喜歡的人: 因为我喜欢啦
31 你和另一半牽手過嗎: 有。。。跟姐姐牵手走街。。跟婆婆牵手聊天。。。
32 你的另一半抱或親過嗎: 亲?亲戚的亲吗?(答非所问)
33 你跟異性牽手過嗎: 有啦,有什么问题?
34 是誰,你們什麼關係:跟好“妹妹”牵咯,跟妈妈,姐姐牵咯。。有问题吗?
35 現在有人在追你嗎: 有啊!!每天给妹妹追拿钱!!!

------混 合 題 - 10 題------

36 如果有天,好朋友離你而去,你會怎樣:伤心(不止一次)
37 如果有天,好朋友背叛你,你會:失望,看透
38 如果有天,好朋友對你喜新厭舊了,你會:依然是朋友
39 如果你很受不了你的父母,你會離家出走嗎: 又一股冲动会这样做
40 你上課認真嗎 : 近来开始有点懒散。不想听课。。因为学校老师太“烂”
41 你功課好不好: 觉得慢慢的退步了。。。
42 你开电腦都在幹麻:Msn, Facebook, Blogging
43 你的即时通有多少个同性: 不知道。没有数
44 你的即時通裡有多少個異性:还是不知道,因为真的没有数。

------兇 手 題 - 1 0 題------

45 傳給你這份問卷的人是誰:Wan Yee
46 这個人對你好不好: 不错。。我的“主人”嘛。。。。
47 這個人是你的誰:朋友
48 你有喜歡過這個人嗎: 除非世界末日了。。。
49 你們認識多久了:大概2年
50 這個人是怎樣的人: 不说可以吗?好难说!!!
51 這個人正/帥嗎: 还好。。
52 個人跟你有沒有在一起过:好牛哦。。。我不是Gay的。。我是正常人!!!
53 萬一你喜歡這個人,你會怎麼办: 怎么办,怎么办? 我要去变性了。。。

------聯 想 題 - 10 題------

56 說到正妹你會想到誰:不知。。。
57 說到帥哥你會想到誰:不知。。。
58 說到憨你會想到誰: 没有
59 說到痴你會想到誰: 我?
60 說到暗戀你會想到誰:不知。。。
61 說到出去玩你會想到誰: 朋友
62 說到聰明鬼你會想到誰: 除了calvin nga没有其他了。。。
63 說到傻子你會想到誰: “妹妹”,chin yap, jay wu。。。
64 說到笑點低你會想到誰:不明白题目要求
65 說到愛笑你會想到誰 : chun kit?

-----學 校 題 - 1 1 題------

66 你的班導是誰: mr ho,madam kerry,...... and so on...
67 你的座位是第幾排第幾個:最后。。。可怜吧?
68 你最喜歡的老師是誰: 没有。。。
70 你的英文好嗎:差到不得了。。
71 你的體育好嗎: 还好
72 你的数学好么: 还不错吧?
73 你喜不喜歡你的校長:极度讨厌!!!
74 你的學校好看嗎: 十年没变。。最近才装修。。没特别。。。
75 你的班級是: B3 (差吧?)
76 你的班級在幾樓:3楼


Friday, June 19, 2009




你们已离开了我的身边, 往他州离去....

你们都离开了这个小城市, 奔向你们的前程,你们的理想.....

留下我,孤单只影的.... 默默的留在这继续努力....

你们一个又一个的离开了我, 到最后,我身边最要好的朋友全都离开了....




好友的名字一个接一个的,在我心中长了一根刺, 刺中了我的心.....


好友们... 你们全都在哪儿?










班长阿莫 - 是一名不折不扣的好班长.每天都带着一个大头盔进班.而且更要命的是,他竟在班上偷\

副班长阿罗 - 坐在班长旁边的阿罗自然同流合污, 在班上走来走去,不只在忙些什么,只知道他是唯

william&yi siang - 两位在班上的搞笑天王. 还记得每次上化学科时,william自然就成了主角.
而yi siang呢.. 就像我们班上的食物档口,供应我们的食物需求.不但如此, 他
sound effect 的工夫还真了得呢!!!

calvin nga - 译名"sand king".我也不知sk会怎样与他连上关系. 这个人呀, 真是我们班上最吵,也是

万裕 - 班上最帅气的一位. 虽然不常在班上或在班上寂寂无"语",但又有什么是绝对少不了他.

kai shen - 译名-vp(vice president) 铜乐队的副主席. 他最搞笑的地方就是在上国语课时,"tiga"这

chong yu cheng - 译名- BN.. 我也不知该如何解释. 哈哈... 班上英文满强的一位. 时常说出让人意想

gleann+yik hoe - 这个全新的搞笑组合是掌控班上笑脉的主导者!!!

俊杰 - 译名-微笑王子 无论在什么时刻,他都以笑面对... 真拿他没办法.....

heng kok hong - 来自别班的学生, 在班上一句话也不说,笑也只在打球时看过... 但时常被我们当成
笑的"材料"之一.. 可怜...

当然自然少不了kong kar chuan这个伟大人物...

kong kar chuan - 译名-king kong.... 他所说的话自然而然的当成了我们的名句.....


答案是....... 不能......

Monday, June 15, 2009


here comes the day,

the walk-in-interview of Majlis Ketua Tingkatan in my school.

of course, i'm the one of them to participate in this interview.

this time was the oppotunity for all monitors to get a post in this club,

and is a chance for me to get into the commitee list in MKT this year...

I just recieved the letter today and called to have a walk-in-interview tomorrow.

when i recieved this letter, i really feels scared and don't know what i have to do next..

my whole body was like gone lost, maybe i was too panic..

however, the letter has comes to my hand,

and what i can do is do my best in the interview....

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Im currently having an idea to change my hairstyle....


im wondering whether have to maintain my hairstyle which is short or having a long fashoinable hair like nicholos teoh.

should i take this risk to change my hairstyle?

i need your all help..


leave your comment on this post..

thank you... ^^

Best regard,


Friday, June 12, 2009

preparation for inter-class competiton

these days i was staying in the house...

day dreaming about the inter-class competition that going be held after the school holiday.

but i cant have practice for it.

my injury still haven recover yet.

when i try to have a jumping smash for perposely,

my sternum stil have some pains.... ( do u all know where is our sternum? its located at the middle of our ribs)

this could be bad...

how i participate in interclass competition without tranning?


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Looking for raining GOD!!!

after woke up, is another good day.

GOOD!!! NO!! Is a HOT day again!!!!

at the morning, the weather was still normal.

Im quite enjoy that time in my house.

But everything changed after the noon hour.

All activities have to change after noon due to it's 'too' high temperature.

Let me show u some prove.....

at 2.42pm, let us look at the word 34.
this shows that the room temperature in my house is in 34 degree c !!!!!

2 hours later.........

the sky never have the sign to change weather...

even after 2 hours, my thermometer still shows the same temperature!!!
im wondering my thermometer was spoilt but no....


the day started to rain in the evening.... but....

it just maintains for 3 minutes!!!

from first, i thought god was blessing us and let us have a nice, windy evening...

yar.. it's quite windy... but but but....

all are hot 'wind' or is scientific term --- hot steam!!!!!

thats really.... haizz....

the scene after the rain....

i know these scene was because of the global warming

and we humans deserve to face it...

so lets us pray for our god respectively...

for christians and catholics, pray for your Jesus and Maria...

for Islamics, pray for your Allah.....

for buddist, pray for your Siddhata Gautama...

and for Hindus, ermm... I dono liao.. ( lol.. i'm so terrible!!!)

lets us pray for our gods to summon a heavy rain for us.....

南无阿弥陀佛。。。。 善哉善哉。。。。。

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Quite an interesting LUNCH....

today still the same,

high temperature under the super sunshine.

even go out for few minutes will makes you melted on the middle of the road.

as usual, I went out to have my lunch with my mom.

we still wondering where should we go and we have make a decision that is have our lunch near Station 18.

from the start, we want to go to eat Hainan chicken rice.

bt when we pass through a food shop which sells quite many types of desserts,

mom said "lets us try this shop." Sweat.......

"okay, watever..." tats the most common word tat i always say...

when we step in this shop, we just realise that not much people insede.

from the first sight, i feel that this could be bad....

okay, fine.... just have a sit and order the food... don't care too much on it...

i have ordered a chicken pork rice and my mom has her noodles.

when i get my ordered food, wao... that aunty said she had made a special egg for me.

HUR? a special egg? omega egg or what? what else she can said 'SPECIAL' ?

I was so suprised and shocked...

It was a love shape egg... What the.... egg in the shape of love? oh my god.....

that time I was thinking, "izit the chef here was too free since not much customers in this shop?"


by the way, thats the first time i ate the 'love' shape egg and i quite enjoyed it...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

小傻瓜 was injured!!!!

Again, here comes a two weeks holidays for little stupid.

he tries to use this term of holidays to pratice and prepare for his competition -- an interclass competition that will be held after the school holidays.

little stupid still wondering what competition should he joined.

badminton? basketball? or football?

hmm.... thats a big problem for him because each participant can only join one competition.

"ok! thats fine! don't think about this first. I go play basketball for awaile" , little stupid said.

during the recess time in his camp held by his juniors, little stupid used this oppotunity to play basketball with his friends at school basketball court.

while blocking his friend to travel inside the dunking area, his friend crush little stupid's with his arm and little stupid was felt down.

As a conclusion, little stupid has suffered an injury at his sternum and can said quite serious also.

During his injury, he even feels pain when he takes a breath. What a pity....

Until now, he still feels a little pain at his strenum when press on it.

there was 5 days left before the school reopen.

little stupid hopes his injury could recover and participate in the interclass competition......

= (


Hey guys,

i currently following a new blog user which was 'writen' by my ex-classmate.

nt new actually haha.... as long as he is 'older' than me.

His name is CHEAH WAN YEE and i think you all have heard him before --- an ex-brassband outdoor conductor.

Here is the advertisement on his blog and i found that i have to introduce to you all.

Welcome to view his blogs... ^.^ hope you all enjoyed....

Sunday, June 7, 2009










Saturday, June 6, 2009


time passed rapidly,

and here comes my second week of holiday.

little stupid starts thinking about his future in form 6.

little stupid was feeling the stress at his class.

all students seems were too 'strong' and hard to 'defeat'.

however, little stupid was started to study and revising the text book trying to chase up what he has missed during school day.

but, something has irritate him these days and made him cant concentrate on his studies.

that things is his band --- harmonica band which he cant let go and put so much effort on it.

on 1st of jun to 3rd of jun, harmonica band was held a band camp.

little stupid with the other two seniors trying to attend the camp to help those juniors.

but little stupid and the other two seniors couldn't knew that something bad will happened in this camp.....

when little stupid takes his first step in this camp,

he knews that that was the most horroble camp that he ever joined...

the camp held by form 3 juniors was SO terrible!!!

the following was the problem in that 'music' camp...
  • the money used by them was OVER budget
  • the PROGRAMME held in the camp almost the SAME as the previous camp
  • no proper MEALS prepared to the campers
  • after the camp, the classroom was as dirty as what we seen UNDER the bridge
and the most serious problem is.........
  • the discipline of the campers was SO BAD!!!! ( they not even pay attention on senior's class )
little stupid and 2 of the seniors were so disappointed.....

during the second day, little stupid finally started to shout at those campers....

as most of the friends around little stupid know about him,

little stupid was a very hot temperate person.

he cant even be patient when someone ignore his commands.

little stupid trying to be as fierce as possible to control the campers to be discipline.

but he knew that this was not a very good idea and will make those campers starting to hate him.

on the third day, the thing changed to worst.

little stupid quarrel with one of his junior in the camp.

and he scolded him like no people in this world.( this is because the attitude of this junior was getting worst and worst and worst during the camp)

little stupid just couldn't help himself to control his feeling...

after the camp, sometimes little stupid cant sleep well and just think about the problemS in his band....

this means that that was no holiday for little stupid again.....

Friday, June 5, 2009









Thursday, June 4, 2009





























我不会再找你了! 这七个字再加上一个感叹号印证了她的决心。

